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Trip Reports |
Participants: Tom J, Tom G, Tom W,
Aaron, Megan, Todd & Steph |
We arrive back at the boat shortly before sunset and
attempt to venture off in search of a camping spot for the evening.
Here, our lack of nautical understanding begins to bubble to the
surface. We push off only to find the engine won't start. Maybe time
to read the manual. Unfortunately the manual doesn't have much in the
way of useful advice for docking the craft in shallow water and
shortly after setting off we shear off one of the propeller blades and
damage the rest trying to pull up onto a beach, resulting in at least one
wag breaking out into the theme from Gilligan's Island. Meanwhile, I
surreptitiously assess which of the group appears tastiest should the need arise. |
Hold on now, I know what your saying! Save your outrage,
there's no need to get your knickers in a twist! Leading experts
agree, cannibalism is ok as long as you eat a friend. |
Tom W and Tom G set off in the damaged craft in an
attempt to make it to Dangling Rope Marina for repairs. Meanwhile,
with nothing better to occupy our time, Tom J and Todd go for a little
hike along the cliffs. |
Our rescuers return at noon with new
prop and we're saved! With half a day shot, the crew decides to motor
up to the famed Cathedral in the Desert which, due to low water
levels, has fully revealed itself for the first time in years. |
This is the alcove we pulled our boat into. Not long
after this photo was taken another speedboat and a houseboat joined
the parking lot. |
So here's the Cathedral, not sure what
all the fuss is about, unless you're into the glowing sandstone wall,
beautiful scenery type of thing.
Here's a
desktop background you can use for your computer if you're so
inclined. |
We depart and manage to not break the prop pulling onto
a beach for the night. The next day we set off for yet another
Cathedral (this time Cathedral Canyon) that supposedly has some nice
narrows. The water is as smooth as glass as we wind our way up canyon. |
Some nice narrows greet us upon our arrival. |
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Trip Reports |