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Trip Report: Ramfest '05 (Day 5)

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By Day 5 we were tiring of this scraping business, as well as running out of pants. So we opt for a different kind of adventure, this time traveling to Finland – land of fjords and … uh, … lakes and … some Nordic stuff. Anyway, this is an area no one knows like Ram. Here we are becoming acquainted with the Finns.
Finland isn’t very large, but it’s very mazy. Somehow we wind up high and need to get back down.
And down again.
Yep … still heading down.
This would make a good T-shirt design. 
Somehow, after winding through the maze, we’re back at the top again. This place is like a lithograph by MC Escher.
We enter this narrow crack with just a little light shining through at the top. Unfortunately we are not able to climb up to the gap to get through.
So we opt to descend through the constriction instead. Steph's feet are about 10 feet from the floor of the canyon in this picture. Though gravity and friction do all the work, there is a mental challenge to committing yourself to this narrow crack.
We exit the canyon with a loud 'pop' just as the sun begins it's dip to the west. For now, we say "Adjö så länge!" to the land of fins (that's supposed to mean "ta ta for now" in Swedish).
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